This Isn't My Highest Calling

It was in one moment I realized that motherhood is not my highest calling.
How desperately I needed to realize this fierce truth because throughout my life as a girl, now a woman, I've heard it a million times.

Motherhood is your highest calling.

We've been misled women, this is simply not true.
I could seriously cry y'all. I read these quotes and wanted to scream.

Now hear me out.

How can I say that motherhood is the highest calling when I know women who will never and have never reached that status, but are dearly devoted to God?
How can I sit here and think of myself higher and holier than she?

How can I move into parenthood thinking I've reached the top? I'm set next to angels? I have the most essential and eternal role in this world?

No! I cannot fathom this and I firmly believe that motherhood is NOT and never will be the highest calling. We've been called onto this earth to be ambassadors for Christ.
That right there IS our highest calling.

Something we have to reach for daily,
something we have to kneel down and pray for,
something we must stand up and fight for!

In 2 Corinthians 5:20 it says, "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us..." 

An appeal to be a light into this world. (Matthew 5:16)
A plea to spread his word and offer his love to all creation. (Mark 16:15)
A call to spread compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12).

As ambassadors we are CALLED to live in unity. Ephesians 4:3-5 discusses our focus on being diligent to preserve unity with a bond of peace because we were called in one hope of our calling. 

Ladies, our HIGHEST calling in life is the same.
Our individual jobs within this calling are different - we are a body of christ ladies. We make up different aspects, live out different parts, for ONE hope, ONE Jesus, ONE purpose, ONE reason alone! 

We do this in unity, in peace, championing each other on in confidence that we are each pushing forward in God's holy name.

So rest assured and breathe a sigh of relief. You my friend are in the heart of your calling. In the midst of being an ambassador you are restoring relationships with God and taking part in the redemption of this world.
